Groundbreaking study suggests skin and hair ageing could be reversible |

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Groundbreaking study suggests skin and hair ageing could be reversible

A team of scientists from the University of Alabama in the US found that they could turn ageing on and off in a mouse by controlling mitochondrial function.

The primary role of mitochondria is to produce energy within a cell. The researchers found that by disabling this function through introducing a substance – the antibiotic doxycycline – that blocks the replication of mitochondrial DNA, they could induce accelerated ageing evident through wrinkled skin and extensive hair loss.

When the scientists restored mitochondria function, the mice returned to smooth skin and thick fur just one month after doxycycline was stopped. During the mutation period, the mice showed wrinkled skin, slowed movements, grey, thinning hair and hair loss. In particular, the scientists observed a disruption in the process that maintains collagen fibres in the skin and prevents wrinkling.

The study concluded that mitochondria are reversible regulators of skin ageing and hair loss. Lead scientist Keshav Singh commented: “It suggests that epigenetic mechanisms underlying mitochondria-to-nucleus cross-talk must play an important role in the restoration of normal skin and hair phenotype.”

This article appears in Professional Beauty September 2018

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