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Insider nails
December 2023 was the month where this sector of the market truly nailed it, with only 7% of you reporting worse sales compared to the previous year, and almost half (47%) seeing an improvement.
As we move into 2024, it seems nail businesses are preparing for some upgrades. 53% of you are planning on investing in further nail education and training this year, while services are getting a makeover too, with 47% wanting to purchase new nail tools. Meanwhile, 40% are on a mission to paint the town with a broader range of colours, while 33% are adding more nail brands to their offerings.
When it comes to client satisfaction, for 43% of you it’s all in the details. Quality also matters, with 36% prioritising high-end products and tools. Personal touches matter too, as 14% swear by offering personalised treatment recommendations.
On the spot
Which areas do you plan to invest in this year?
1. Nail education and training (53%)
2. Upgrading nail tools (47%)
3. A bigger range of nail colours (40%)
4. Adding more nail brands to my offer (33%)
5. New nail services (13%)
6. Switching to a different nail system (7%)
86% keep client records to track nail health and service preferences
What is the most important aspect in ensuring client satisfaction?
1. Attention to detail in treatments (43%)
2. Using high-quality products and tools (36%)
3. Personalised treatment recommendations (14%)
4. A relaxing and comfortable experience (7%)
Month in numbers
How did nail treatment business in December 2023 compare with December 2022?
How did nail retail business in December 2023 compare with December 2022?
62 nail treatments performed on average per week in December
METHODOLOGY Insider is compiled from a monthly survey of spas and beauty salons. The people who participated represent a cross-section of the industry and were polled by email and social media from January 4 to January 11, regarding business for the month to December 31. Nail business for the Insider Nails page was calculated from data provided by salons that offer nail services among other treatments. The figures given represent the average score for each answer. Brands are ranked when mentioned by several respondents.