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News this month that 71% of generation Z buy skincare based on influencer recommendations (see page 10) may not come as a huge surprise but it shines a light on the growing importance of professional expertise in the digital space.
An increasing number of trained beauty professionals are now cutting through the noise online to make their expert voices heard and build a strong following, and, as Dermalogica’s UK and Ireland general manager Cirsten Hannken tells us on page 46, “Now, more than ever, it’s time for the experts to be heard.” Read more about how the brand is working in very different ways with both consumer and professional influencers to drive footfall into salons in our interview.
While access to a wealth of online information is undoubtedly breeding a new generation of clued-up beauty consumers, it is also leading to some misinformed product and treatment choices. With consumers often considering themselves experts it can sometimes be hard to convince them that, actually, you know an awful lot more than they do (check out our training feature on page 42 if you’re thinking of topping up your own knowledge this year!).
However, letting clients dictate their own treatment plan can do more harm than good, as aesthetics expert and trainer Andrew Hansford explains in our hot topic piece on page 63 – giving the client what they need is often more important than giving them what they want.
As we move into a new year, we’re all hopeful for growth, but with the changes announced in the Autumn Budget due to take effect soon, many salon owners are understandably concerned about rising costs. Statistics suggest the impact on the sector will be significant (see page 9), and we at Professional Beauty Group, along with many other industry associations, are calling for increased support. Find out more about our #SupportOurSalons campaign and how you can get involved on page 9.