professional |

9 mins


Jolene Young (@JoleneY48364678): Another exciting route opening for beauty therapists – the BSc in clinical Cosmetology – can’t wait to hear more about this degree. Now we just need the fIndustry to be properly regulated! @pro_beauty @Habia_SSB


Would you go to a spa or salon other than your own for a treatment?

89% YES

11% NO

Diana Jenner (@orchidsretreat): #Thankyou @pro_beauty for a fabulous experience. It was great meeting the other Therapist of the Year candidates at the PB Awards 2019 judging day, a wonderful group of women. So honoured to be among you all.

Hot topic

Average beauty fIndustry wages revealed

Kim Hill, owner of Kim Hill Beauty in Weymouth, commented: “As a beauty therapist, it really irritates me that I went to college for three years to train, yet I could work in Aldi or Lidl and earn more per hour than I did at a spa. With this in mind, I’ve decided to take the plunge and go self-employed.”

Hot topic

Should we teach wellbeing at schools?

@pro_beauty01: A study by health provider Nufield Health is suggesting that wellbeing should be timetabled in schools alongside English and Maths. Do you like the idea?

Helena Grzesk, general manager of the UK Spa Association, commented: “I would certainly be in support of this at my son’s school. We practise meditation daily and have done since he was very small. Introducing wellbeing at a young age is a great idea.”Pamela Moss, owner of Pamela Moss in Hampshire, commented: “Oh my goodness, yes! My daughter started yoga at nursery and still practises it now.”

Follow Professional Beauty…

@pro_beauty01 and the team:

@eveoxberry @mini_pauley

@georgeseago @ivlemmiks

@lydiamormen @katsjonouchi


This article appears in PB January 2019

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PB January 2019
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