42% of generation Z want to train in beauty therapy | Pocketmags.com

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42% of generation Z want to train in beauty therapy

Almost half of generation Z would consider pursuing a career in beauty, according to research by international standard-setting body Cidesco.

The brand’s survey of current Irish school leavers found that 88% of 17–19-year-olds rank make-up and beauty as their top interest, with nearly half (42%) stating that they would like to train in the industry, which is good news for salons and spas who are struggling to recruit.

“The impact of Ireland’s buoyant beauty industry is evident and is manifesting in an unprecedented demand for professional training and educational courses,” said Cidesco Ireland president Mary O’Donoghue. “Employment in this sector offers many candidates a career that is engaging and fulfilling while also being flexible and stable.” In Ireland, it is estimated that €9 million is spent on beauty and wellness each day.

This article appears in October 2019

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October 2019
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